How has having a netbook helped my learning ?
It has improved my learning a lot and faster. I have learnt plenty sites to work on, the online sites also helps my learning.
Has having a netbook communicate with your teacher ?
We can communicate to our teacher by school email, discuss our work and see what we need to edit. Our parents will be able to email the school teacher to discuss their children's academic levels see if they need extra work and if they need a tutor.
What have you learnt online ?
Online I have learnt to be cyber smart. Confirm with a teacher before opening something you don’t recognize. Online people could try and hack other people’s account.
What have you learnt this year from your friends ?
I’ve learnt from my friends shortcuts on the netbook, how to exit or create a new tab and how to go on your history. GBS has created me an email account to help me evolve in my learning.
Have you helped other people this year ?
I have helped people in their individual blogs. I’d have showed them ways to comment on other peoples individual blogs. I’d helped people edit their work with no mistakes.
How has digital learning helped your learning ?
Digital learning has improved my academic levels faster on an exercise book. Digital learning is an environmental learning, it saves the environment by reducing the amount of trees getting chopped.