
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Bio Poem Joseph L Presents VPP

Bio Poem


Smart, big, awesome
Lover of rap music, entertaining movies and video games
Who wonders what possession feels like?
Who fears paranormal creatures, heights and a vicious serial killers
Who feels like a sky diver, a muscular monster and a beast
Who is able to succeed in playing complex video games
Who would like to be in the army 
Who dreams of joining the army


Unknown said...

You use some great descriptive language here Joseph. What would you like to do in the Army? They offer fantastic scholarships too!

Alicia said...

Hi Joseph! My name's Alicia, I'm from New Zealand but at the moment I'm living in Warsaw, Poland. I really liked your bio poem! I'm also afraid of heights, but three years ago I did a skydive. It was pretty scary but a lot of fun! That's great that you want to join the army. Do you participate in boy scouts? My brother did when he was your age and he is now training to be a police officer, which is sort of like a solider, they both help people and keep the peace. Have a good day, Joseph!

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