
Friday 10 May 2013

The Greek Gods Joseph L Presents JPCC


The full moon shone brightly in the night summer sky, stars twinkled like a million fairy lights....
when Jonatas the commander of all spartans was guarding the castle from being harm because the spartan king was celebrating with the villagers because it was the first time they had won the war between sparta and the barbarians. He was watching the sky after five seconds he heard a noise. But after Jonatas just thought it was a safe night there was a loud sound from a horn he knew that tone crash there was an archer aiming for him he quickly remembered what was that sound it was from the barbarian horn he heard it many times in war with the barbarians, when Jonatas turned around he saw a whole army with brutal weapons in their hands
he quickly ran to the bell he rang it triple times and on his way he shouted “Barbarian invasion” twice but as he looked at the army again the barbarian warriors he saw were at the war not that long ago and there was the warriors he killed in battle. Jonatas knew Hades the god of the underworld brought them back to destroy sparta, Hades always hated sparta. Soon the whole army was ready but sparta had already been defeated as he turned around there wasn’t anything left except destroyed buildings and dead people but he knew the king was safe with the other spartans. There were several dead spartans and villagers on the floor with swords stuck on top of their backs and three arrows in front of their heads, they all died from the invasion they did not survive. So that’s when Jonatas got up and started a journey to search for the god of the underworld but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy to get into the underworld.

Paragraph 2

Jonatas was just walking searching and thinking how to access Hades realm but he knew the only way to get in Hades realm is to die. Soon he opened a door that lead him right in a place that was filled with statues that looked scary.


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